All students in the BA MCC must complete two years of one of the following languages:

  • Afrikaans/ Dutch
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Xhosa

Our language courses are provided by the Department of Language and Literature.

All languages apart from English start at beginners level. Students may take mother tongue Xhosa or Afrikaans. English offers Practical English courses for second language speakers who need assistance in improving their language skills, Academic English courses for second language students and Literature courses. French and German start at beginners level and incorporate elements of both literature and language for business at second and third year level.

Though the MCC course only requires students to take one language up to second year level, students are encouraged to take a second language as well. Continuing into third year is also a valuable choice.

For more information on the Language component of the BA MCC degree, please contact Dr Linda Kwatsha, Head of the Department of Language and Literature.